The Triumphal Sun: A Study of the Works of Jalāloddin Rumi

The Triumphal Sun: A Study of the Works of Jalāloddin Rumi
The Triumphal Sun: A Study of the Works of Jalāloddin Rumi by Annemarie Schimmel PDF Download
This is a book on Rumi's life, his poetry, his thought, and his influence. Rumi's work forms one of the pillars of the Sufi orders, particularly the Mevlevi order, better known in the West as the Whirling Dervishes. In this book Rumi emerges not only as a spiritual master, but also as a fully human being grounded firmly in the Koran and in classical Islamic mysticism.

The light of the Divine Sun, in its Beauty and Majesty, manifested itself for Rumi through the person of Shams of Tabriz. Transformed by this light, consumed by this fire, Mowlana Rumi saw the world in a new light. Everywhere he perceived God's Grandeur and his Grace.

The book also discusses the theological premises upon which Rumi's work rests, his attitude to the problems of free will and predestination, and his analysis of the mystical stages and stations. The book not only gives a very rich analysis of Rumi's language and poetical art, but also a picture of medieval Konya, whose features the mystical poet transforms and transfigures.

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Annemarie Schimmel





State University of New York Press



Books in series

Books written by Annemarie Schimmel

Books published by State University of New York Press

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