The Borrowed House

The Borrowed House
The Borrowed House by Hilda van Stockum PDF Download
When Janna is suddenly summoned from Germany to join her actor parents in Nazi-occupied Amsterdam, she is shocked by the Dutch hatred for the Germans. Her favorite Nordic tales and Hitler Youth indoctrination have not prepared her for the complexities of living in a house requisitioned by a military friend of her parents; or for the violence she sees on the streets. With her parents preoccupied by their perplexing adult world of careers and relationships, Janna is lonely and full of unwelcome questions. It is the house itself which begins to provide real, if painful, answers to Janna's bewilder-ment--but not before it adds its own set of mysteries to solve. A well-developed, true-to-life tale for teenagers.

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Hilda van Stockum





Ignatius Press



Books in series

Books written by Hilda van Stockum

Books published by Ignatius Press

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