Tales from the Kingdom of Lailonia and The Key to Heaven

Tales from the Kingdom of Lailonia and The Key to Heaven
Tales from the Kingdom of Lailonia and The Key to Heaven by Leszek Kołakowski PDF Download
This volume contains two unusual and appealing satirical works by the well-known European philosopher Kolakowski. The first, Tales from the Kingdom of Lailonia, is set in a fictional land. Each story illustrates some aspect of human inability to come to terms with imperfection, infinitude, history, and nature. The second, The Key to Heaven, is a collection of seventeen biblical tales from the Old Testament told in such a way that the story and the moral play off each other to illustrate political, moral, or existential foibles and follies.

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Leszek Kołakowski





University of Chicago Press



Books in series

Books written by Leszek Kołakowski

Books published by University of Chicago Press

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