Culture Counts: Faith and Feeling in a World Besieged

Culture Counts: Faith and Feeling in a World Besieged
Culture Counts: Faith and Feeling in a World Besieged by Roger Scruton PDF Download
What is culture? Why should we preserve it, and how? In this book renowned philosopher Roger Scruton defends Western culture against its internal critics and external enemies, and argues that rumours of its death are seriously exaggerated. He shows our culture to be a continuing source of moral knowledge, and rebuts the fashionable sarcasm which sees it as nothing more than the useless legacy of dead white European males. He is robust in defence of traditional architecture and figurative painting, critical of the fashionable relativists and urgent in his plea for our civilization, which more than ever stands in need of the self-knowledge and self-confidence that are the gift of serious culture.

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Roger Scruton





Encounter Books



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Books written by Roger Scruton

Books published by Encounter Books

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