An Intelligent Person's Guide to Philosophy

An Intelligent Person's Guide to Philosophy
An Intelligent Person's Guide to Philosophy by Roger Scruton PDF Download
Philosophy's the 'love of wisdom', can be approached in two ways: by doing it, or by studying how it has been done, so writes the eminent philosopher Roger Scruton. In this user-friendly book, he chooses to introduce philosophy by doing it. Taking the discipline beyond theory and intellectualism, he presents it in an empirical, accessible, and practical light. The result is not a history of the field but a vivid, energetic, and personal account to guide the reader making his or her own venture into philosophy. Addressing a range of subjects from freedom, God, reality, and morality, to sex, music, and history, Scruton argues philosophy's relevance not just to intellectual questions, but to contemporary life.

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Roger Scruton





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